vl Dimension Factor (denominator)
Index.Sub: 604C.2H
Data Type:Integer32
PDO Mapping:no
Unit: --
Range: Integer32 (except the value 0)
Default Value: 1
Store Supported: No
Description: This object indicates the denominator of the ‘vl dimension factor’.
The vl Dimension Factor is used to include gearing in calculation or serves to scale the frequencies or specific units of the user. It influences the vl Target Velocity, vl Velocity Demand, vl Control Effort as well as the velocity limit function and ramp function.
The purpose of the ‘vl dimension factor’ is to convert the ‘user-defined velocity unit’ to the revolution/minute unit (rpm) :
Velocity [user-defined unit] x vl Dimension Factor = Velocity [rpm]
The vl Dimension Factor shall be in the range of -2147483648 to +2147483647, but the value 0 shall be not used.
- The vl Dimension Factor is used only for objects retaled to the Velocity_mode (vl).